To Say Nothing of The Cat
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Well, we're back from Spain and my advice to anyone who is thinking about going there is wait until it's finished. The whole place is a massive building site and those developments that are up already are like little boxes on the hillside all laid out in perfect lines. As for the flight out there - well, Ryanair are without doubt the worst airline I have ever had the misfortune to set foot upon. They are the evidence that should be put forward when arguing that you truly do get what you pay for. They don't see people - they see a way to make a quick buck whilst pretending that they are keeping prices down. We took one bag between two of us (bear in mind that the baggage allowance EACH is 15KG)which weighed 16kg. We were then charged an excess because although we were below our allowed combined weight it wasn't in the same bag! I will NEVER fly with them again, I don't care how cheap they are. Shareholders of Ryanair - you've had the last pound of flesh from me.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Despite my better judgement.....
I did one of those quizzes. Hoorah for randomation (is that even a word?)

Old school punk! You just say what you have to say
regardless of what everyone else thinks!
You're one of my most favourite types of
music... You're raw and uncut! You're
surrounded by hype...just don't let it make you
go insane...
What genre of rock are you?

Old school punk! You just say what you have to say
regardless of what everyone else thinks!
You're one of my most favourite types of
music... You're raw and uncut! You're
surrounded by hype...just don't let it make you
go insane...
What genre of rock are you?
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
What is popular?
I was thinking today how there are loads of things I don't like that everyone else seems to...
1. Monty Python
2. The Goons
3. Bond Films
4. Little Britain
5. The Fast Show
6. Coconut
7. Jam
8. Lemon Drizzle cake
9. Coffee.
I pretend not to like firefox because it annoys other people. As far as the internet goes, as long as I can view the pages I want to I don't care what browser I use.
1. Monty Python
2. The Goons
3. Bond Films
4. Little Britain
5. The Fast Show
6. Coconut
7. Jam
8. Lemon Drizzle cake
9. Coffee.
I pretend not to like firefox because it annoys other people. As far as the internet goes, as long as I can view the pages I want to I don't care what browser I use.
Monday, January 16, 2006
boo hoo hoo
I went to see the Chronicals of Narnia yesterday and I cried almost all the way through and have no idea why!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I forgot to write here yesterday - I guess I'm slipping already.
I could do with going into town today to take back a broken christmas present, but I really can't be bothered to even get dressed, I love my dressing gown it's sooooo warm!
Still, we're off to spain in a couple of weeks and I can't wait, although I'll really miss the cat. He's going to stay with A's mum and dad so it's like a little holiday for him. Although the last time he was there A's dad fed him an entire bowl of cat treats thinking that was his food! He had the cleanest teeth EVER!
I could do with going into town today to take back a broken christmas present, but I really can't be bothered to even get dressed, I love my dressing gown it's sooooo warm!
Still, we're off to spain in a couple of weeks and I can't wait, although I'll really miss the cat. He's going to stay with A's mum and dad so it's like a little holiday for him. Although the last time he was there A's dad fed him an entire bowl of cat treats thinking that was his food! He had the cleanest teeth EVER!
Friday, January 13, 2006
I never know how much pasta to cook, so I always make too much, then I have to eat it because it would be wrong to waste it, right?
This is precisely the reason I am so fat, the root of my problem lies with eating too much, I realise this and often think I should do something about it. Then, apathy kicks in and I sit on my big fat arse and do nothing.
Maybe one day......
This is precisely the reason I am so fat, the root of my problem lies with eating too much, I realise this and often think I should do something about it. Then, apathy kicks in and I sit on my big fat arse and do nothing.
Maybe one day......
Thursday, January 12, 2006
No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.
I think my cat is either mental or really, really clever. He seems to have figured out that when the alarm clock makes a noise someone will get up and then he'll be fed. Now when he feels someone should be up and feeding him he licks the alarm clock repeatedly until someone wakes up and makes him stop.
He also licks the curtain.
He also licks the curtain.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Why do journalists and in particular those who sensationalise stories always do stories that state the bleeding obvious? Take for example the age old favourite "celebrity drug addict" IN (drumroll please) "caught with drugs shocker". What is news about that, and more to the point who cares? And let us not forget the run of the mill "hottest/coldest/wettest/driest day of the year, it's not that difficult to find news is it?
I've developed a love hate relationship with news and I'm never sure what is winning at any given moment of the day.
I've developed a love hate relationship with news and I'm never sure what is winning at any given moment of the day.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Day 2 of the cold from hell
Now, those who know me will testify that I do have a flair for exaggeration - BUT I think this cold is certainly the worst I've had in a long time. I wouldn't mind so much the sore throat and the headache if it came without all the blocked and streaming nose. I don't understand how it can do that at the same time! Surely it should be one or the other.
I'm restless, I'm sleeping a lot but when I'm awake I'm not sure what to do with myself, I can just about sit here for about 20mins but then my back starts to hurt so I have to go back to the sofa or bed. I want to be at work, I'm getting constant text messages which all serve to worry me and I want to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
I have an unnatural craving for some very strong flavoured crisps - salt and vinegar or worcester sauce or pickled onion monster munch, god I long to be able to taste again!
I'm restless, I'm sleeping a lot but when I'm awake I'm not sure what to do with myself, I can just about sit here for about 20mins but then my back starts to hurt so I have to go back to the sofa or bed. I want to be at work, I'm getting constant text messages which all serve to worry me and I want to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
I have an unnatural craving for some very strong flavoured crisps - salt and vinegar or worcester sauce or pickled onion monster munch, god I long to be able to taste again!
Monday, January 09, 2006
To ring in or not to ring in that's the question...
I've taken the day off sick today because I feel really ill. I always try to work through illness usually because I don't want people to think I'm skivving, but it's really taking all my effort even to sit here and type this. I also feel bad because I feel like I let everyone else down by not being there.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
I'm on my fourth cold since October, it's beginning to get tedious. Just as I think i'm well again I feel the telltale sore throat, and start sneezing. I've no idea if it's lifestyle, food, central heating, airconditioning or weather related but i'm tired of everyone in the office taking the mickey and calling me germ ridden. So, i've got some decongestant and nightnurse (which by the way is making me more awake than the bottle tells me I should be feeling) and A won't come near me because he doesn't want to get ill.
Still all this is very boring so I'll stop feeling sorry for myself, find the cat and go to bed in the vain hope that sleep will overcome me and I will wake up and be able to breathe normally.
Still all this is very boring so I'll stop feeling sorry for myself, find the cat and go to bed in the vain hope that sleep will overcome me and I will wake up and be able to breathe normally.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I have some wonderful friends, my best friend in the whole world is Yvonne, and she and I can spend the most time apart and yet still pick up where we left off, I love her unconditionally.
After her come a series of others in no particular order, 5olly, Down on the farm, dutchbird, sirsandgoblin and glis, these people above all others were there for me in my time of need.
One of them is having a rough time and it pains me because he doesn't know what a truly wonderful human being he is, I want him to come and spend some time with me and A and I've asked him, I hope he does because all I want to do is hug him and tell him it'll all be ok, which it will. I need to make him see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's just about switching it on and not being afraid of the dark when you're in that tunnel.
Your own mind when it turns on you is a terrible place to be and to go it alone even worse.
After her come a series of others in no particular order, 5olly, Down on the farm, dutchbird, sirsandgoblin and glis, these people above all others were there for me in my time of need.
One of them is having a rough time and it pains me because he doesn't know what a truly wonderful human being he is, I want him to come and spend some time with me and A and I've asked him, I hope he does because all I want to do is hug him and tell him it'll all be ok, which it will. I need to make him see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's just about switching it on and not being afraid of the dark when you're in that tunnel.
Your own mind when it turns on you is a terrible place to be and to go it alone even worse.
Friday, January 06, 2006
I often wonder where these women's magazines that have articles such as "I was so hungry I ate my own arm" and "I fell in love with my hamster" and "My son is my grandfather" find the people who they are about. I mean, even if most of these stories were true then surely you wouldn't want a full page spread and accompanying smug photograph?! I realise they get paid, but how does that hundred and something quid compare with any old nodody knowing your skeleton in the closet? Of course, they could be made up to sell magazines in which case i've wasted far too long on the subject.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Well here it is......and other associated ramblings
So, this is a blog, I'm sure everyone wonders what they are supposed to do with it and I'm no exception. I've arrived here because most people I know have one, and not to be outdone - and to see what all the fuss is about, I thought I'd try it. So, I sit and pontificate about the wonders of technology whilst letting my mind wander and think about such things as why the cat always sits on my best black trousers covering them in white fur - even if I hide them in a place I don't think he'll ever go, and WHY it's taking so long for dinner to cook when the packet says twenty minutes.
I'm so deep.
But, here I am, and for probably the first time in my life I'm lost for words, blogger, my friends salute you.
I'm so deep.
But, here I am, and for probably the first time in my life I'm lost for words, blogger, my friends salute you.