Wednesday, February 01, 2006

whinge whinge whinge..

I'm exhausted. I'm finding work a real struggle at the moment. I feel like it's an uphill struggle all the time, and I think that having a constant cold isn't helping. It's not even the workload, I can do that with my eyes closed and without even thinking - maybe this is the problem. I need a new challenge.....

I'll shut up about this now though because I promised myself that this wouldn't be a whiney blog.

I've decided that I am sick of being fat and have taken it upon myself to do something about it, this has resulted in me going on a diet. I'm finding it very difficult because I'm hungry constantly - but I realise that this is a means to an end and so far I haven't cheated, maybe I'll get that summer bikini body! (yeah right). I'm so far on day 2, let's see how long this lasts.


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